I can't believe it... I'm twenty-one years old. Crazy! This is now my twenty-second year on this planet, and it's been a good run so far, and I think that it will only get better. My birthday was wonderful. Really relaxed, productive, and best yet- I was in Saskatchewan! Back in the prairie, having a great break from the city and... my life, really. At least my life in Calgary. I was still able to get Comic Expo stuff done and organized (one of the main reasons I was able to come home, actually), but everything feels different. It's cleaner, more open, there's dogs, and it's just a good change of pace. I'm a city person... but only for a few months at a time. And even then, I yearn for the prairie or the woods... Or anything beyond concrete and asphalt streets.
My parents gave me some great cake decorating things, which will come in handy. I've been wanting icing pipette decorating tips for a bit, and my mum knows me well! They gave me several things that will be fun and useful, and will be really nice to have for wedding preparation (at least cupcake-wise). I can't wait to test them out! I do enjoy decorating cakes and cupcakes. I just need practice... maybe I'll try to make fancy flowers.
It's also really nice to have some quiet. My parents had an appointment, and they figured that I would like some time to myself and quiet, so they left me at the house. It was so peaceful. Quiet inside a house in the middle of nowhere... It's a different type of quiet than in the city. Even with music, or dogs walking around and clicking their claws across the floor... It's such peaceful tranquillity. I feel like it's much easier to be alone in the country. It's an absolute solace, and it's something that's difficult to grasp when in the city. It's also much different to walk for miles in the country versus in the city. Miles in the country and you're still alone. Maybe you'll see a badger or a gopher or a fox. Maybe a hawk. But people... they are only the sound of trucks on a far, faraway road.
And, of course, it's just nice to walk in the prairie. Pull on some wool socks and rubber boots, an old military jacket, and a RadioShack toque. The way it feels to be out alone in an open wilderness, under an ever changing sky, with my canine companions... This is what I miss when I'm in the city. It's something that can never be captured or compared in an urban area. I think the only thing that comes close is when I'm in a cemetery. Even then... it's not the absolute feeling of peace and solace. As Corb Lund says, "This is my prairie, this is my home."
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