Hello and Welcome

Hunting in the deep dark woods and further creative ventures


I dread...

I dread nothing! Except wool dreads. Ha. Lame puns.
I was inspired to try to make wool dreads, as something to add to the hair aspect of my steampunk outfit. I really like the way dreads look, and even if I can't add these to my current outfit, I think they'll fit in with another outfit I'm planning. These four took me about half an hour. I enjoy felting because it's one of those fibre arts that allows for great muscle toning. It's vigorous work, but terribly satisfying. These four dreads I made are a bit of an experiment set. I really like the pink ones. I like the dusty pink colour, and it will probably work the best with my outfit. If only I had brown wool bats... It would be perfect!

Now I am off for more steampunk adventures and whatever else I do in a day. Happy Thursday to everyone!

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