Hello and Welcome

Hunting in the deep dark woods and further creative ventures


March Hare

My current muses include Alice In Wonderland and The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz. Both are what could be viewed as 'modern' fairy tales, but not quite. I adore and enjoy both stories for the curiousness and absurdity. They're so beautiful and strange, which is right up my alley of things that I find amorous.

In short, these are inevitably inspiration for the things I create. My first creation (besides past things that I've made), is the above. It is inspired by this character...
Judging by the shape of the ears, it must be none other than the March Hare! I'm planning to encapsulate all characters in Alice In Wonderland, but for now I am starting with the attendees of the Mad Tea Party. And the basics like Alice and the White Rabbit, of course. After that... Who knows! Whatever the case, I enjoy projects like this, and creating my own spin on well-known characters. Characters whom I consider close friends, based on the number of times that their stories have rested in my arms as I've drifted off to sleep.

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