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Hunting in the deep dark woods and further creative ventures


Soda time!

Today I went to Sunterra to get a couple of groceries (it's a little bit more expensive, but it's within walking distance. So... yeah!) and I found this amazing drink. It is Juniper Berry Soda by Dry Soda Co. Discovering Dry Soda Co. is one of the best things that has ever happened to me in the vein of beverages. It's nice to find something that is light, has flavours that I would really enjoy, and is made with cane sugar. Their flavours include ginger, lime, lavender, cucumber, and a few others. All of them have only four ingredients, and bonus! It comes in a glass bottle. So, ultimately,  it's healthier for you and it's delicious. I was tempted to try the Lavender soda, but when I saw that there was Juniper Berry Soda, I was so excited. In case you don't know, juniper is what makes gin what it is. Gin is probably my favourite in terms of alcohol, because I really like the taste. The only issue is the burn of the alcohol. And I'm not a huge fan of alcoholic taste. To an extent, but seriously. The burn... Any ways, I've come to really enjoy gin, but whenever I drink it I tend to water it down a lot with sweet tea or tonic water or club soda or juice or whatever I have on hand. But no more! I can enjoy the taste of gin without the alcohol! Hoorraaay!! So... essentially this juniper berry soda is perfect for my life, because it has a flavour I enjoy, in the form of a nice and light carbonated beverage. If you have the chance, I recommend trying out Dry Soda Co. soda and seeing what you think. I'm definitely going to investigate other flavours. At least... if I can pull myself away from the juniper berry.

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