Hello and Welcome

Hunting in the deep dark woods and further creative ventures


R. L. Stine

Today I learned that R. L. Stine is going to be a guest at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. This makes me super excited. 

Yes, R. L. Stine. The creator of Goosebumps, The Haunting Hour, The Nightmare Room, and other book and television series. I absolutely adore these series. What's not to love about 90s and early 2000s horror/science fiction series for children and teenagers? Maybe they're the reason I grew up so weird. Then again... look at any of the television shows from the 1990s. It explains a lot. 

The most recent book that I read written by R. L. Stine was Red Rain, a novel written for adults. It's an insane book. Very good, lots of scary bits and it was really graphic and made me more afraid of children. It was kind of bizarre reading it, though. I mean, it's an adult book written by a renowned children's author/creator of a popular children's series. It's kind of like reading Roald Dahl's short stories from the 1960s and -70s. Y'know, the ones that were published in Playboy Magazine. It really messes with your sense of reality.

Here is my review of Red Rain. And a glimpse of my excitement for R. L. Stine. I'm definitely going to saunter off and meet him.

There is so much to do before the Comic Expo. Excitement!

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