Hello and Welcome

Hunting in the deep dark woods and further creative ventures



Today is a dreary and overcast day in October, and I am currently taking advantage of free Wi-Fi at a Second Cup in Calgary. I am enjoying a very nice London Fog, and an acceptable cinnamon bun (Side note: The gourmet cinnamon buns from Safeway grocery stores are the best you can get for really cheap. The ones with lots of icing on top, for about $1.75. CinnaBon is really good, but they're expensive and the quality is only a little bit better. That's information that you can take to the bank).

I decided (or rather, realized) that it's been a while since I've supplied an Etsy adventure on this blog. For those of you who follow this blog regularly and have been doing so for a while, you will know that I've been stalking Etsy shops and their items for quite a while. However, of late, I haven't shown any of my findings. So, why not today? The grey clouds looming over the city are making me thankful for this cozy coffee shop setting, and the foamy sweet drink in my hands. I suspect I should follow suit with some things equally cozy...

(Side note: I just found the delicious ooey-gooey soft centre of this cinnamon bun. Delicious!)

I do like dreary days. As well as autumn. Layers, wool, and tea? Yes, please.

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